Parent Category: Fishing
Category: Luderick Fishing
Hits: 12204

Possibly the most common caged centrepin in general use is the J. W Young Rapidex, a highly regarded reel from a highly regarded manufacturer. What isn't commonly known, is that Grice & Young marketed several caged reels, most were fly reels, but also at least one centrepin.


Oddly, this particular centrepin had a machined alloy spool, fairly uncommon for Grice & Young reels, which were more commonly presented with spools made from rivetted alloy plates. The backplate is also machined, most G&Y reels were cast. The reel is 3 3/4 inches.



Pictures as always tell the story better than words. Even though there is nowhere that says Grice & Young, it is undoubtedly made at least by someone connected to the factory. The reel is very typically G&Y, the style of the spindle, the engraved script, the three screw cap, the handles. These are very uncommon, I have only seen another 2 on auction sites in the past.

The name Twynham comes from the original name of Christchurch, Dorset. The name comes from Tweoxneam (Twynham) from betweoxn (between) and éam (rivers). Of course the rivers are the Stour and the Avon and the general area between the rivers is still called Twynham. The name of the larger town changed in 1094 to Christchurch. This is another good indication of the origins of the reel.

The pictures and details are courtesy of Peter Northrop from Yorkshire who kindly supplied me with the photos.